Monday, March 23, 2015

Are you striving for a balanced life?  Have you heard that in order to expect  a successful future, you must arrange your affairs in such way as to balance every aspect of your life with every other aspect of you life?

HOGWASH!  Who wants to spend exactly the same amount of time on their hobby as the spend on their business? And Who wants to spend the same amount of time exercising as they spend with their famiky? Why would it be necessary to do as much running as reading as you attempt to balance exercise with education?

Living a balanced life (a life with balance) doesn't require that all things be equal like on a scale.  It just requires making sure you do not neglect important facets of your life. For example; you may not spend the same amount of time with your family as you do with your business, but if you take care to have meaningful, loving and fun times with your family, then you can feel good about how you are livinging your life and the example you are setting for your children.